
DEKA's News

novembre 24, 2020

DEKA announced the establishment of its Medical Advisory Board (MAB) for Female Intimate Health.

DEKA today announced the establishment of its Medical Advisory Board (MAB) for Female Intimate Health. 
Initial members include Prof. Stefano Salvatore, MD (Coordinator), Prof. Linda Cardozo, MD, Maurizio Filippini, MD, Prof. Stavros Athanasiou, MD, Prof. James Simon, MD, Prof Diaa Essameldin Ali Rizk, MD, Christopher Chong Yew Luen, MD, Pablo Gonzales, MD, internationally highly recognized experts in their respective female health specialties, and Alberto Calligaro, Professor Emeritus of Histology at the University of Pavia (Italy), one of the most brilliant histologists in the world. 
In this MAB almost all continents are represented. 
The Board will contribute to the definition of an overall clinical development plan for new protocols and clinical guidance, refining energy based techniques and methods for women's intimate health. 
The Members of the Board will permanently preserve the independence of their work, and DEKA will by no means interfere with their clinical and academic activities.

For more information click here


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