
Rimozione di tatuaggi

LUXEA - X Factor in Dermatology
Technological innovation and long-standing experience result in a simple yet smart solution that offers endless possibilities. A wide range of safe and effective treatments, enclosed in a single system. A small initial investment that can be progressively expanded, through the modularity of Luxea, to respond quickly and effectively to new patient needs.

Filtra i Video per prodotto
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 1 of 3
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 3 of 3
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 2 of 3
LUXEA - X Factor in Dermatology
Laser Tattoo Removal Clinica Zegarra
Laser Tattoos Removal Dr Frank Zegarra
BUENA SALUD. Laser Tattoos Removal.
BBC. Laser Tattoo Removal


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