
Eliminación de Tatuajes

LUXEA - X Factor in Dermatology
Technological innovation and long-standing experience result in a simple yet smart solution that offers endless possibilities. A wide range of safe and effective treatments, enclosed in a single system. A small initial investment that can be progressively expanded, through the modularity of Luxea, to respond quickly and effectively to new patient needs.

Filtrar Video por productos
BUENA SALUD. Laser Tattoos Removal.
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 3 of 3
BBC. Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 1 of 3
Laser Tattoo Removal Clinica Zegarra
Laser Tattoo Removal. Video 2 of 3
Laser Tattoos Removal Dr Frank Zegarra
LUXEA - X Factor in Dermatology

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