
MonaLisa Touch®

MonaLisa Touch® Laser Procedure
The new treatment for vulvo-vaginal Atrophy and Vaginal Laxity (Vaginal Tightening) is now available in the Medyk-Centrum in Częstochowa (Poland). Dr Malgorzata Nita-Nowak presents the procedure with SmartXide2 V2LR. (Video in Polish)

Filtrar Video por productos
Dr Paige Partridge speaks about MonaLisa touch.
MonaLisa Touch: The New Laser Technique for Vaginal Atrophy
MonaLisa Touch with Dr Anh
Dr Will Barros presents the MonaLisa Touch® Treatment.
MonaLisa Touch® - A Scientific Analysis of a New Laser Technique
Vulvo-vaginal laser recovery after childbirth and menopause
Q&A about MonaLisa Touch with Prof. Stefano Salvatore
MonaLisa Touch in Paris!
Antropos. Monalisa Touch®: The Innovative Treatment Against Vaginal Atrophy
Good Day KY - abc36. MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch on Russian TV
panamericana televisiòn. MonaLisa Touch® for Vaginal Rejuvenation.
RF-Touch - The New Bipolar RF for Women Intimate Health
WCBD NEWS 2. Treating Dryness.
The Doctors. MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch by DEKA: Testimonials from Patients
Patient experience after one MonaLisa Touch® session.
Dr. Pramudji Describes MonaLisa Touch.
Dr Agnieszka Kurczyk-Powolny Speaks about MonaLisa Touch Ginecological Procedure.
MonaLisa Touch® Launch in Brazil
MonaLisa Touch®. The new treatment against vaginal atrophy
HUB. The blogger Trish Hammond interviews Matt Moncrieff about MonaLisa Touch.
LEX18 News. MonaLisa Touch.
TG1-RAI1.MonaLisa Touch® on TV.
SmartXide2 V2LR for a Complete Range of Aestetic-Gynaecological Treatments.
T52. Dr. Mickey Karram talking about Mona Lisa Touch.
Mona Lisa Touch: What is it and how can it help you?
MomsEveryday. Interview with Dr LaToya Walton-Torrence
MonaLisa Touch at the La Care Clinic.
MonaLisa Touch: A Game Changing Treatment
The New Laser Treatment Against Vaginal Atrophy, Laxity and Urinary Incontinence.
MonaLisa Touch and urinary incontinence.
MonaLisa Touch on Thai TV
Workshop about MonaLisa Touch®.
FOX News. Reviving your sex life with MonaLisa Touch!
Medicina News. Seminar about new technologies in gynaecology. 
MonaLisa Touch Clinical Procedure. (YouTube Link)
MonaLisa Touch®. For  Women of the New Era.
WLBT 3 On Your Side. Interview with Dr Robert Harris about MonaLisa Touch.
MonaLisa Touch: the innovative laser technique for gynecology (long version)
MonaLisa Touch launch in Beijing - Embassy of Italy
Dr Benita Stephens speaks about MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch Treatment Presented by Dr Shelena Laji
9 News Perth. MonaLisa Touch®. Not Only for Women in Menopause!
Channel 7. MonaLisa Touch - Dr Loaiciga Interview.
MonaLisa Touch: A Game Changing Treatment
TgNorba24. Convention about a New Laser Technique in Gynaecology
Aesthetic Gynaecology Procedures
Salud Panama. Vaginal Rejuvenation with MonaLisa Touch.
The Vulvo-Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation
MonaLisa Touch - First clinical results to Italian Press.
What is MonaLisa Touch?
Good Morning Texas. Revolutionary Treatmente for Troubles in Menopause
Todaytonight. Managing Menopause.
MonaLisa Touch Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ
MonaLisa Touch® Laser Procedure
Interview with Dr Vipal Arora and his patient about MonaLisa Touch
Dia D. Vaginal Rejuvenation.
MonaLisa Touch: the innovative laser technique for gynecology (short version)

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