
MonaLisa Touch®

Dr Will Barros presents the MonaLisa Touch® Treatment.
A new method for the treatment of main symptoms related to the vulvo-vaginal atrophy as dryness, laxity, burning, itching, dyspareunia and early stages of urinary incontinence. Thanks to the CO2 laser stimulation it is possible to restore physiological condition of a “young” vaginal mucosa without using hormones. A non-invasive treatment, very effective, and without any side effects. (Video in Portuguese)

Filtrar Video por productos
The Vulvo-Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation
TG1-RAI1.MonaLisa Touch® on TV.
MonaLisa Touch and urinary incontinence.
MonaLisa Touch®. The new treatment against vaginal atrophy
Dr. Pramudji Describes MonaLisa Touch.
MomsEveryday. Interview with Dr LaToya Walton-Torrence
MonaLisa Touch®. For  Women of the New Era.
MonaLisa Touch Clinical Procedure. (YouTube Link)
Salud Panama. Vaginal Rejuvenation with MonaLisa Touch.
Dr Agnieszka Kurczyk-Powolny Speaks about MonaLisa Touch Ginecological Procedure.
FOX News. Reviving your sex life with MonaLisa Touch!
RF-Touch - The New Bipolar RF for Women Intimate Health
Interview with Dr Vipal Arora and his patient about MonaLisa Touch
Dr Benita Stephens speaks about MonaLisa Touch
Dia D. Vaginal Rejuvenation.
Medicina News. Seminar about new technologies in gynaecology. 
MonaLisa Touch® Laser Procedure
LEX18 News. MonaLisa Touch.
What is MonaLisa Touch?
MonaLisa Touch Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ
Patient experience after one MonaLisa Touch® session.
TgNorba24. Convention about a New Laser Technique in Gynaecology
MonaLisa Touch launch in Beijing - Embassy of Italy
MonaLisa Touch: The New Laser Technique for Vaginal Atrophy
Good Day KY - abc36. MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch: the innovative laser technique for gynecology (long version)
panamericana televisiòn. MonaLisa Touch® for Vaginal Rejuvenation.
MonaLisa Touch® Launch in Brazil
9 News Perth. MonaLisa Touch®. Not Only for Women in Menopause!
MonaLisa Touch by DEKA: Testimonials from Patients
SmartXide2 V2LR for a Complete Range of Aestetic-Gynaecological Treatments.
MonaLisa Touch: A Game Changing Treatment
MonaLisa Touch: the innovative laser technique for gynecology (short version)
MonaLisa Touch on Thai TV
Workshop about MonaLisa Touch®.
Vulvo-vaginal laser recovery after childbirth and menopause
The New Laser Treatment Against Vaginal Atrophy, Laxity and Urinary Incontinence.
MonaLisa Touch - First clinical results to Italian Press.
MonaLisa Touch: A Game Changing Treatment
HUB. The blogger Trish Hammond interviews Matt Moncrieff about MonaLisa Touch.
Channel 7. MonaLisa Touch - Dr Loaiciga Interview.
MonaLisa Touch in Paris!
Dr Paige Partridge speaks about MonaLisa touch.
Good Morning Texas. Revolutionary Treatmente for Troubles in Menopause
MonaLisa Touch at the La Care Clinic.
MonaLisa Touch Treatment Presented by Dr Shelena Laji
Q&A about MonaLisa Touch with Prof. Stefano Salvatore
Antropos. Monalisa Touch®: The Innovative Treatment Against Vaginal Atrophy
MonaLisa Touch® - A Scientific Analysis of a New Laser Technique
Aesthetic Gynaecology Procedures
T52. Dr. Mickey Karram talking about Mona Lisa Touch.
WCBD NEWS 2. Treating Dryness.
Todaytonight. Managing Menopause.
The Doctors. MonaLisa Touch
Mona Lisa Touch: What is it and how can it help you?
MonaLisa Touch with Dr Anh
MonaLisa Touch on Russian TV
WLBT 3 On Your Side. Interview with Dr Robert Harris about MonaLisa Touch.
Dr Will Barros presents the MonaLisa Touch® Treatment.

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