
Pillars of Sustainability at DEKA

Scientific Research

The position of the company for Hi-tech products and the global competitive context in which it operates entails continuous and significant effort in terms of research and development of new products and new technologies. Research is at the base of knowledge and technological progress for the benefit of society. Research and planning contribute to making our production process more efficient, minimizing waste while meeting market demands.

Laser as a sustainaible product

With our laser systems for the medical and aesthetical fields we have put at the disposal of the market instruments and solutions which improve the welfare of people and the quality of life of patients by reducing health issues. The laser is in fact a device which treats pathologies by maximizing the effectiveness of the interaction, while minimizing the collateral effects of the treatment.

People first

The company sustains and respects the rights of the individual in conformity with the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and requires utmost respect for people, against any behavior that is discriminatory or threatens the safety of people.
We firmly believe that human capital constitutes the Company’s most important asset. The ability to innovate and pursue excellence depends on the people and the collaborators involved in all of the activities, coupled with their competencies and passion.

Safeguard the environment

For the Group, the environment represents a primary asset which must be safeguarded. For this purpose the activities that have been planned are aimed at finding a balance between the economic objectives and the requirements of the environment in order to respect and safeguard the rights of future generations, in line with the principles of sustainable development.


El.En group is aware of its responsibility towards society and the environment in which it operates, and believes that it is fundamental that ethical and transparent behavior be followed in every aspect of management.


Our goal is to create performance for a sustainable and economic development for all our stakeholders. We are committed to ensuring our work has a positive impact on the health of people and on local territories. Our social strategy is that of making our skills, knowledge and instruments available, with the aim of improving access to treatment and healthcare for fragile and disadvantaged people all over the world. We are working towards a healthier world!”

El.En. Group Sustainability Report 2021

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