Inside Project

Inside Project

Development of diagnostic and teranostic targeting based on nano systems and / or engineered lymphocytes for early detection and treatment of melanoma and multiple sclerosis

The INSIDE project aims to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for high-impact pathologies such as melanoma and multiple sclerosis. The idea is based on the development of new cell engineering techniques and / or selective targeting mediated by nanocarriers and focuses on the exploitation of the multimodal properties of these constructs, their accumulation in the tissues of interest by the selective recognition of targeting units or either via internalization in immune system cells, on their ability to function as contrast imaging agents and to be triggered by low frequency magnetic fields and / or laser pulses, acting as hyperthermic mediators. In co-operation with Colorobbia Consulting, Vismederi Research, Pharma Quality Europe, University of Florence, University of Siena, CNR-IFC of Pisa, DEKA contributes to the project with proprietary know-how and proven R & D experience in optoelectronics, photonics and clinical procedures, in order to study and develop new technologies to be employed in imaging and therapeutic sessions.

DEKA is partner of the project INSIDE
co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020 – Measure 1.1.5

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