
SmartXide DOT®

Great Day SA - SmartXide DOT & SmartLipo
DOT Therapy Facial Rejuvenation & Laserlipolysis. Dr Thomas Tjeneby and patient Mary Guerrero are guests on the talk show Great Day SA to discuss his new procedures that includes Smart Xide, DOT Therapy and Smart Lipo

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Canal 13 - Telenoche. Belleza Milagrosa - Sistema DOT
SmartXide DOT CO2 Laser. Scar Revision
DOT Therapy. Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing
DOT LASER - In Vivo Procedure. Marta
SmartXide DOT
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Acne Scars & DOT Therapy_10
CO2 Laser. JUVA.
SmartXide DOT. Dr Eric Pérez
Facial Rejuvenation with CO2 Fractional Laser SmartXide DOT
KSAT 12. Smart Xide DOT Therapy
Spots & Skin Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_1
SmartXide DOT Laser Resurfacing. Dr Sean Rice
My Fox Orlando. Connect the DOTs
Striae & DOT Therapy_6
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
Eyelid Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_2
SmartXide DOT Scanner System
Patient Consultation for DOT Therapy
Age Spots Removal
Dermal Nevus Removal. Part II.
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
Gesundheit Sprechstunde. SmartXide DOT DEKA Laser.
Dermal Nevus Removal. Part I.
DEKA Laser Treatments.
Fatty Cyst.
Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Spots & Skin Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_11
DOT LASER - Consultation. Marta
Madonna Lift for Man. JUVA. 
Upper Eyelid CO2 Laser Blepharoplasty.
Striae & DOT Therapy_9
Spots & Skin Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_2
Upper Eyelid CO2 Laser Blepharoplasty and Lower Eyelid Fractional CO2 Resurfacing. 
Fractional CO2 Laser SmartXide DOT
Laser Skin Resurfacing. DOT Therapy
Good Morning Texas 8. SmartXide DOT Therapy
SmartXide DOT - Demo Procedure
Striae & DOT Therapy_5
Acne Scars Treated with CO2 Fractional Laser. JUVA.
CBS2. SmartXide DOT Therapy
Madonna Lift. Lecture at the ASLMS on April 2010
Acne Scars & DOT Therapy_11
SmartXide DOT Human Demo
SmartXide DOT. 
Acne scars.
Spots & Skin Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_5
Full Face DOT Therapy after Madonna Eyelift. Video 3 of 3
SmartXide DOT vs ActiveFx
SmartXide DOT Therapy. Dr Bill Johnson
Laser Lifting Eyelids
Entre Noticias. Dr. Edwin Gonzalez Interview about Photorejuvenation
Acne Scars & DOT Therapy_6
Today in NY. SmartXide DOT Therapy
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
Great Day Houston. SmartXide DOT Laser
Live DOT Therapy Procedure with SmartXide DOT Laser. Female
Skin Excrescence.
Striae & DOT Therapy_1
Madonna Eyelift. Video 1 of 3
Striae & DOT Therapy_14
DEKA SmartXide DOT Laser. Video 1
Eyelid Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_1
Acne Scars Treated with CO2 Fractional Laser
Fractional CO2 Skin Resurfacing
Striae & DOT Therapy_10
abc15. SmartXide DOT Therapy
Blepharoplasty with CO2 SmartXide Laser
Sonoran Living abc15. SmartXide DOT Therapy
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
DOT Laser Treatment.
Fractional Rejuvenation
DR STEVE. Madonna Lift
Blepharoplasty with CO2 SmartXide Laser
Great Day SA - SmartXide DOT & SmartLipo
DEKA DOT- Patient Testimonial
CBS 11. SmartXide DOT Therapy
Live DOT Therapy Procedure with SmartXide DOT Laser. Male
SmartXide DOT Therapy Presentation
Striae & DOT Therapy_7
Live DOT Therapy Procedure with SmartXide DOT Laser
CO2 DOT Therapy
DEKA CO2 Laser Arm Procedure
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
SmartXide DOT Testimonial
Ablative Fractional CO2 Laser. JUVA.
DOT LASER - In Vivo Procedure. Paola
Striae & DOT Therapy_11
Madonna Eyelift. Video 2 of 3
FOX 4. SmartXide DOT Therapy
WPIX. Madonna Lift & Laserlipolysis
Adult Acne Scar Marks Treatment
Fractional CO2 laser SmartXide DOT
CO2 Fractionated Laser Skin Resurfacing. DOT Therapy
DOT LASER - Consultation. Paola
CO2 Laser Blepharoplasty.
Plantar Keratosis.
Acne Scars & DOT Therapy_3
Eyewitness news 9. DOT Therapy Wrinkles Treatment
LaFusion. SmartXide DOT Therapy
DEKA DOT Laser Resurfacing
Introduction about DOT LASER
Striae & DOT Therapy_3
Striae & DOT Therapy_2
Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment
Madonna Lift. JUVA.
DEKA CO2 Laser Arm Procedure. HTA.
DOT Therapy with SmartXide CO2 Laser
Eyelid Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_3
Acne Scars & DOT Therapy_5
Fractional CO2 Laser for Treating Stretch Marks.
Striae & DOT Therapy_13
Fibroma Pendulans.
CO2 Laser Surgery
Spots & Skin Rejuvenation with DOT Therapy_9

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